That question is a no brainer for me, treat of course :-) It doesn't matter what type of sweet treat it is, I'm not picky with sweets! Unfortunately my sweet Evan isn't picky with his sweets either! At age 4 he is a self proclaimed NandyHolic (I will miss it when he says it right later on!) Last night it was Trick or Treat night in our county and boy was the excitement on an all time high level yesterday! Evan got his costume out the night before and as soon as waking tried to put it on!
Fast forward to trick or treat time! I weighed in at Weight Watcher's (Lost another 2.4lbs!!) and then we took them to a Trunk or Treat at the church where they got lots of candy and headed off for a treat and took them to eat inside McDonalds. I knew they only way to get them to eat was to do it BEFORE trick or treating :) So after dinner we started on our quest! Out of the car, costumes on, quick picture for Grandma, and we were hitting the streets! After a few houses Evan noticed he was only getting one piece of candy at a time so he started to Double trick or treat people! We told him he couldn't double trick or treat, but that just got us more evil laughter and he was wild! A lot of people let him even after hearing us tell him no, hey, it's hard to resist a 3 ft tall cutie that is dressed like Mario! LOL! One house let him triple trick or treat her she said he was so cute!
We came home last night and they ate a little bit of candy before bed. So another Halloween has come and gone, well the trick or treat aspect has! This weekend I have planned to make a Halloween treat with the kids since we haven't done that yet (I've kinda slacked off on baking since starting WW, it's so tempting!) and maybe watch some scary movies with my husband when the kids are in bed! Sounds pretty boring to some, but to me sounds perfect :)
Wishing you all a safe and Happy Halloween!!
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