Thanking God it's Friday once again! This is my motto once the kids' are back in school, I start living for the weekends. My wonderful husband and my sweet kids' are home all day and it's meant to just enjoy the days together! I thought I would start something new on Friday's, since I'm trying to devote more time to my blog. I'll be telling you all about things that I love! So for today I will write about my new toy, it's called a Nook. If you're not familiar with this, it's a Barnes and Noble e-reader. You can download any type of book onto it and take it with you anywhere! Every Friday Barnes and Noble gives you a free e-book. Almost every book published has a free downloadable sample, which is usually the first chapter. You can even upload files you already have on your computer, basically anything that is in pdf form. I even upload some of my homework files on there to take with me and study while I'm waiting on my kids' in car line. You can lend eBooks to a friend also.

Almost all the old classics are free to download for the Nook. I even have several children's books on there so if my kids' are bored they can read it also! We are a family of book lovers and what better way to occupy your time then reading a classic!
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