I feel so stupid for not thinking of this before! I just bought the cookbook The Sneaky Chef and Double Delicious. I already had Deceptively Delicious, I bought it after my 4th son was born and it's been sitting on the shelf for over a year now! I did some puree's here and there when he was eating baby food, but was scared to put it in many things, not anymore!!
It's gotten to the point where my 4 year old won't eat any vegetables anymore, not even corn! What kid doesn't eat sweet corn? While my 7 and 10 year olds just gobble down fresh broccoli by the cupful, my sweet little 4 year old only loves fruit! You can imagine how ecstatic I was when he gobbled down his food this week with multiple vegetables mixed into them!! I just couldn't believe it!
This morning I fixed them Cocoa banana muffins for breakfast and I loaded it down with flax seed, sweet potatoes and carrot puree!! They happily ate that with their yogurt and knew nothing about my sneaky deception, ahhhh, life is good, LOL!
I can't wait to try out new purees and see how they taste. Last night I fixed pizza casserole and broccoli and for the first time in a long time I wasn't threatening my 4 year old that if he didn't eat his broccoli that he wouldn't ever be able to eat candy again, LOL! I just feel like a new woman, with stress lifted from me :-)
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