As most of you already have thought about New Years Resolutions, I was inspired to write about something else. I read somewhere that instead of calling them resolutions, why not call them goals instead? I found this to be very clever! According to the most recent polls, every single year people say the same thing, #1 is to lose weight. I would have to say that is pretty high on my goal list also. I also want to de-clutter my entire house, I mean really de-clutter, donate so much junk that the kids are gonna wonder if their beds are next, LOL! I live in a small house and the clutter is just overwhelming. No matter if your house is clean, when it's cluttered and junked up, it looks dirty! So if I had a list, it would look something like this:
1. Lose weight (should put, continue)
2. De-clutter
3. Be more organized
4. Follow my menu plan better
I'm sure you may have noticed that I didn't put anything about my family. I don't believe in setting New Year's Resolutions for these things, they should be daily goals that you work at. We're all guilty of not doing this or that, if you realize it, then do better. One of my favorite quotes is, "When I knew better, I did better". I just love that one! Your family should be your #1 priority in life, so that should be the best goal to work on, not necessarily the easiest. Relationships take work, even ones between parents and children, and definitely ones between husbands and wives.
My husband said that he reads my blog and wonders why I never write anything bad, meaning negative, airing our dirty laundry so to speak. Well I could, easily, and could write about him being a jerk sometimes, or me blowing up at him over stuff, but what would that solve? I seriously doubt there's one person out in cyberland that honestly thinks another family is perfect. We all have our own problems, our own hurdles and mountains to climb. So if you wanna read about someone talking about how much they hate their husband, or how their kids are killing them, well you're reading the wrong blog!
I want to stay positive and think about the best! Life isn't always positive, so why read all the negative stuff on the internet and fill your head with it? Instead you could be filling your mind with happy stuff and fill your mouth with yummy food, LOL! Ok, so maybe a nice apple :-)
So this year, 2011, I want it to be my year to get my weight under control, to be physically fit and get my house under control also!
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