Friday, June 10, 2011

June Menu Dinner Plan

Since it's already the 10th, I'll just start with today :)

June 10- Spaghetti, cheesy garlic bread, salad (also making pinto beans in pressure cooker)

11-Quiche, french bread, Salad

12- Double Decker Taco's (homemade), Salsa & chips

13- Ham & Potato Frittata, Broccoli

14- Grilled Chicken, mashed potatoes, cheesy noodles, corn, broccoli

15- Chicken Fajitas, Rice

16- Bacon Cheeseburgers*, Fries, baby Carrots w/ranch

17- Fajita Nacho's (use leftover meat), Salsa & chips

18- Eat Out (Evan's special weekend)

19- Eat out (possibly) or Freezer Quiche OR Freezer Chicken pot pie

20- Chili, grilled cheese, baby carrots w/ranch

21- Spinach Quiche, Italian Bread*, salad

22- Leftovers

23- Taco Bake (freezer)

24- Cheese & Pepperoni Pizza*

25- Evan's Birthday Party (to be determined later)

26- Pizza Casserole, Salad

27- Homemade Vegetable Soup, Cheesy Roll-ups

28- Spaghetti, garlic bread*, salad

29- Evan's Birthday dinner-Homemade chicken nuggets, mac 'n cheese, corn (out of the mouth of babes, LOL!)

30- Spicy Chicken Sandwiches*, Fries, Baby carrots w/ ranch

*need to make something extra that requires time
Homemade breads (June 16,21,24,28)
Sauce (June 24)

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