I don't know about you, but I find the Groundhog to be a cute little animal! In fact I have a love affair with a groundhog the kids' have named Harry in our yard :) The above picture isn't "our" Harry, but it sure looks like him, LOL! We've lived here for 6 yrs now and we would occasionally see Harry pop up from the grass down past our mail box. It was sort of like a little game as we drove by to see if we could see Harry and who could see him first! I can't tell you how exciting it is when we would see that little brown head pop up! We would all scream with excitement and there would be smiles on everybody's faces! It doesn't take much to excite a child and if adults would let themselves enjoy "childlike" things more often, then the world would be a much happier place! I for one just love seeing Harry and even got sad when we no longer saw him. But I'm happy to report that Harry, uh, maybe Harry #2 was back last year and all was well with the world again, LOL!
Oh, for the record, the most important Groundhog in the country (at least the one they watch to see if he sees his shadow!) did not, I repeat, did NOT see his shadow today, so bring on the spring weather!!!! I for one will be more than happy to get rid of cold weather and have some warm days again!!
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