Last weekend we went out of town and I ate whatever I wanted too, sure I cut down on my portion sizes and showed restraint from drinking pop, but I didn't count any points and basically was eating like before. We got home Sunday and I hopped on my treadmill, desperate to "undo" what I had done in the previous days. I was full of optimism when I awoke on Monday, only to find out that my eating whatever I wanted over the weekend mindset was still with me! Not to mention that I'm pms'ing and having food cravings!
My Weight Watcher's meeting is tonight, but will be cancelled due to inclement weather. I'm very glad, because that gives me a week to get back in control and take off these additional pounds I gained. My husband was running out to the store to get contact solution and always asks me if I need anything. I informed him I did need something, an Almond Joy chocolate bar. He looked totally shocked and asked if I was serious. I told him yes I was. He asked if I was quitting Weight Watchers. I said I would if I hadn't just paid for another month. He told me that the program's not working because I haven't changed how my mind thinks. Ah, the wisdom of skinny people, who have never had to deny themselves a morsel of food their entire life! It's just like anything in life, Weight Watchers or something else, if you work the program, then the program works, it's as simple as that!
I know my sweet husband will never understand what dieting entails, I mean how could he since he's never had to deal with something like this before? Even someone that only needs to lose 10-20 pounds will never understand my personal struggle with weight loss. The road ahead of me is very long and hard, indeed! But it's the path that I've chosen to walk down to improve my life and the life of my loved ones! I just need to block out these road obstacles, LOL!
Next week I'll be posting about my weight loss and will be incredibly happy. I just remembered all the Holiday baking I must do, ahhh it never ends!! :-)
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