Friday, June 4, 2010

A couple of things...

If you get my updates by email, please check your spam folder. For some reason it goes to spam sometimes and sometimes not. I think it has something to do with pictures within the post, not sure.

Anyway, I also wanted to let you know that I'm going to put my blog on a schedule, yes I know how bizarre that sounds :-) For those of you that don't know me, I'm blessed to have 4 amazing boys'! I didn't realize blogging takes ALOT of time! Time is something that I feel should be given to my family! As much fun as a blog is, I must remember the most important things in life: kids' are only young once and there's no dress rehearsal for life, you only get one shot at it! So I will only be posting food tutorial's 3 times a week. I would like to do book and product reviews 2 times a week and eventually giveaways weekly.

So enough rambling for today!


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