Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Amazing Giveaway!

One of my most favorite blogs is having an incredible giveaway! Here is the link to it

It's a giveaway for a L’Equip NutriMill Grain Mill. I only dream about having this in my own house! Anyone that is obsessed with making bread would love this giveaway! When I first read it, I was so giddy with excitement, like a kid on Christmas morning, LOL! Of course I always think in my head that I'm really going to win every contest I enter! So that's why I get so excited, LOL! BTW, I have only won one thing I ever entered, it was a contest to get free coupons for Nesquik, LOL! The kids did love it :-)

I'll be praying hard that I win this one!!!!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

three years ago...

I had a big long post written, but it's just too painful to have it out on paper (or computer) so I won't be posting it after all. Today makes three years since my Mom has passed away. It's still too sad to think about and I can still cry just thinking of her. But as the old saying goes, time heals everything, well that just isn't true, time only allows you to deal with things better. I can think of Mom now and not feel like my chest is going to explode from being so heavy with grief. I can think of her and smile through the tears. Whenever someone is taken from you suddenly without a warning, it's just a hard blow to handle. Mix in guilt and regret and it's just not a good combination. It's still very hard...

So I urge you today to turn off your computer and tell all your family members just how much you love them, because life is uncertain and you never know what the future holds, not even the next second!